Saturday, June 7, 2008

About This Blog

Hello all,

My name is Nathan Deen. If the name sounds familiar, yes I did have a personal movie review website, which I ran, managed, and paid for for almost a year. It was an interesting experiment, but I can no longer maintain it. I thank everyone who visited the site, but it is on hiatus indefinitely. The reason is I am leaving home to attend the University of Florida, and felt that trying to keep up the web site could have been a distraction. If I don't update it consistently to keep readership, it's not really worth paying for. Which is why I started this blog. Here I won't be limited to writing 800-1000 word reviews on a weekly basis. I can just post a paragraph or two, with a grade, that summarizes my opinion of a given film in a small amount of time.

I am also a staff writer for one of the most popular online movie news magazines, FilmSchoolRejects. I will link any news stories and reviews I write there from this blog.

Now we move to the goal of this website. It is to give you a small perspective of cinema from America's youth. I'm am not as knowledgable about film as full-time critics are, but I'm working hard to get there. I'm constantly trying to expand my knowledge of cinema by watching American classics from directors such as Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder to foriegn gems from directors such as Luis Bunuel, Akira Kurosawa, and Ingmar Bergman.

At the University of Florida I will study film as well as journalism. My future career could go in a number of directions, but my dream is to write and direct my own films. I decided to go ahead and get an early start this summer by working on my very first screenplay.

Thank you for reading, my first capsule reviews will be up soon.

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